Older Women
Something for everyone!
Something for YOU!
I take a holistic approach to helping you reach your health and wellness goals. With my extensive knowledge and experience, I provide caring and compassionate assistance to every client, couple, or family, no matter their age, race, or health condition--including those dealing with thyroid or autoimmune issues. Let me be your guide and coach on the path to lifelong health transformation. Click on the Buttons below to see some client transformations!
Average weight loss on the Optimal Weight 5 & 1 Plan® is 12 pounds. Clients are in weight loss, on average, for 12 weeks.

Wanda ~ "Picture on the left was 1 year ago today. At 5'1" and 198 lbs, I knew I was overweight but this picture was my slap in the face. I cried when I saw this but the pity party was short lived.. I got my crap together and did something about it. I tried doing it myself as I had many many times before with no results. I finally decided to give this program and my amazing coach a try.. so this is me now on the right.. down 79 lbs, happy, smiling and healthy. Please know that where you are is not where you need to stay, there is hope."

Gretchen ~ "Went from Size 14/16 to Size 4... OH MY!!! 3 years ago I made a choice that changed my life. I thought I was signing on to lose a little weight. Skeptical & borrowing the belief of my coach, I trusted this new process. I can tell you 72 lbs later and running an at home health coaching business, my life has been turned upside down (for the good). I realized I was more capable than I thought, I can do hard things, I am worth it, and there was more for me to accomplish in my life. Forever thankful for my coach, this program and our community! Hope & health has been restored not only in me but in my entire family!!"

Renee ~ "It has been about 16 months since starting my health journey. I'm almost back to my college size and that's a great feeling for sure. I have tried many "diets", but this program has taught me how make better choices with food, and an improved mindset. I'm 119 lbs down and loving it."

Kimberly ~ “I decided I didn’t want to spend my 50th birthday miserable and obese. The picture on the right is July 2017 in Maui with my family where I didn’t once put on a bathing suit out of fear and embarrassment. The picture on the left is July 2018, 90 pounds gone forever and proud to wear that bathing suit every single day in Maui . I spent my 50th birthday celebrating with my 7 children and 7 grandchildren happy, healthy, full of energy. This program has not just saved my life, but it gave me the life I used to only dream of."

Jayne ~ "No more hiding behind my husband, the grandkids, or the Christmas tree when the cameras come out! Losing 83 lbs now has me genuinely smiling for our family holiday photos!"

Raylynn ~ "The reality is I have COPD. My lungs were weak for whatever reason. I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia 40 years ago. The results of how these affected me had to do with my choices. Over the years I abused my body filling it with candy, cookies, ice cream, and junk food to numb my physical and emotional pain. I chose my actions, but I did not choose the consequences. Yet, I existed with them. I sat with them. I did not heed them. After these consequences almost cost me my life, I made a decision. I CHOSE to begin one step at a time. Now, my healthier choices have reaped great benefits... ➡️ Less pain! ➡️ Getting rid of 130 lbs! ➡️ Snorkeling and jumping on trampolines with my grandkids at the age of 66! MY CHOICES NOW: Healthy! Happy! And Free!"

JamiJo ~ "I had bad knees, no energy and just wanted to sit on the sidelines. Now, I am enjoying life with family and friends and so NOT on the sidelines. Getting into everything I can."

Silvia ~ “Nothing, nothing compares to how I feel now! I am 53 yrs old going on 30! I made the decision to get healthy and here are the results! I am not going back! Life has thrown me a few curves but if I had been in a different state, I would have crawled under a rock. No way, that’s not me! I know I can do something positive for me and here I am Life!”

Molly ~ “Long story short? I took my power back. At age 53, I’ve never felt more focused, energetic and ready to conquer. I wasn’t a healthy mom when my kids were growing up but I’ve become the healthiest version of myself for my grandkids. Break those chains!”
Average weight loss on the Optimal Weight 5 & 1 Plan® is 12 pounds. Clients are in weight loss, on average, for 12 weeks.
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