Something for everyone!
Something for YOU!
I take a holistic approach to helping you reach your health and wellness goals. With my extensive knowledge and experience, I provide caring and compassionate assistance to every client, couple, or family, no matter their age, race, or health condition--including those dealing with thyroid or autoimmune issues. Let me be your guide and coach on the path to lifelong health transformation. Click on the Buttons below to see some client transformations!
Average weight loss on the Optimal Weight 5 & 1 Plan® is 12 pounds. Clients are in weight loss, on average, for 12 weeks.

Jesse ~ "From left to right the difference is 90 lbs. Yep, I lost 90lbs! So It doesn’t matter how many times you fall down all that matters is that you get up one more time than you’ve fallen down that’s still define as success. If you fallen off the wagon get back up, if you’re embarrassed because your still fluffy, get back up, if this is you’re millionth time trying to get healthy get back up. Don’t quit don’t stop!! Stay the course you’ll get to your destination just keep pushing."

Anais ~ "My health was a big goal I was overwhelmed thinking about. I did several diets, trendy classes, personal trainers, meal preps… and saw some progress but wasn’t sustainable for me. I would gain it all back and some more…. This picture is this year. I lost 60lbs TWICE within two years and a baby… on this health program! Love the sustainable healthy habits that are formed with this plan! Life changing! ✨Energy increased! (This New Mom needs it!) ✨Confidence ✨Challenged my old mindsets and gained more willpower and dedication to myself."

Cynthia ~ "I can't remember a time when I was this comfortable in my own skin and feeling this healthy!! 38 lbs down in 4 months time, maintaining my weight loss for the past 7 months and my goal is to STILL pursue health and to support those looking to do the same! Accountability and this community have been a huge factor in the success on my health journey. Blessed to have found a system and support team that works!!! Being a busy mommy, I got so caught up in everything else that I ran myself down and just continued to gain weight and became more and more unhealthy. That only led to being overtired and sometimes not having enough energy to play with my babies after a long day. I now have more then enough energy to run around with a 2 AND 3 yr old, while still making time for my hubby and my teenager. You can do it too. There is a new freedom that I have found. Healthy mind, healthy body, healthy spirit is possible."
-100 Lbs!

Krystynna ~ "Do you know what’s better than being the hero? Rescuing yourself. One of the hardest things I’ve ever done is lead myself. It’s so easy to let yourself down, make excuses for yourself, and feel stuck and helpless. Leading myself doesn’t mean doing everything on my own and figuring it out. It looks like asking for help and then following through and taking the advice. It means leaning in to accountability. It means looking myself in the mirror, owning my ugly but not tying it to my identify. It means giving myself grace, forgiving myself, and then choosing to shift. I lost 77 lbs in 7 months on program and I’ve continued to focus on leveling up in my health. It’s hard work but it’s so worth it. Each time I overcome an obstacle, I’m better equipped to help someone else through their struggles. There is no greater gift than being able to serve someone else."
-40 Lbs!

Monica ~ "You can go from loathing photos and never wanting to be seen …. To be featured in PEOPLE magazine!!! If you happened to pick up January’s 2022 PEOPLE magazine “half my size “ edition featured Betty White’s last interview - I am in it !!! She is America's sweetheart and a legendary icon, but I believe we all are deep inside! Leaning into the structure of our programs nutrition and diving into the community is what did it for me & it will do it for you too!! I’m down 167 pounds!"

Manny ~ "Change does not happen overnight. It doesn't come free. It doesn't come without sacrifice. AND it's NEVER permanent. You have to stay on top of it. You have to continue to pay a price, both financially and physically, but nothing good ever comes free, except of course salvation of the soul, which is received by faith and through God's grace. If you've ever thought about getting your life to a good healthy place, now is a good time to start thinking about it. The new year is around the corner. It was this time last year when I started looking into this program. I pulled the trigger in January after researching it. I am so glad i took the chance. It will cost you something, but trust me, and I really mean this, IT'S WORTH IT!"

Darius ~ "When I started this journey I was obese, unhealthy, fearful and my neighbor said I was dead man walking... This program and it's mentorship has given me my life back.. I have lost 95 pounds still some more to go ..Thank God I said yes and not keep making excuses.. At some point you have to go Pro, go from being a baby seal to a Navy seal!"

Juliana ~ "I feel so fortunate to have found something that allows me to be 1% better every day. Together my boyfriend Mike and I have lost 66 pounds physically, but the magic continues as we shed that mental weight and become more aware of concepts that don’t serve our future selves."

Jacob ~ "I’ve lost 49 pounds since I started this program. I am grateful and honored to be a part of this movement that is changing the world."
Average weight loss on the Optimal Weight 5 & 1 Plan® is 12 pounds. Clients are in weight loss, on average, for 12 weeks.
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