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Something for everyone!
Something for YOU!
I take a holistic approach to helping you reach your health and wellness goals. With my extensive knowledge and experience, I provide caring and compassionate assistance to every client, couple, or family, no matter their age, race, or health condition--including those dealing with thyroid or autoimmune issues. Let me be your guide and coach on the path to lifelong health transformation. Click on the Buttons below to see some client transformations!
Average weight loss on the Optimal Weight 5 & 1 Plan® is 12 pounds. Clients are in weight loss, on average, for 12 weeks.

Shai ~ "I am forever thankful for this program. I have lost 22 lbs total and still maintaining the weight loss. This is how much a 22 lbs turkey looks like. I carried this weight for years. I was miserable, overweight, had no energy, and was unhappy. I am so glad I did it."

James ~ "Shelley and I are so glad we started this program! Both of us are in our mid 60’s and are creating healthy habits and a new mindset. Only regret is we didn’t start earlier."

Charlene ~ "At my heaviest, I was 185-190 lbs. I was obese, a single mom that was busting my butt and struggling to make ends meet, working a full-time job (sometimes multiple jobs). I wasn't moving forward in life, no matter how hard I tried, and I was getting more stressed and unhealthy. Through fad dieting, I was able to lose 35 lbs, but never learned the habits to keep the weight off. So for years, my weight was a roller coaster ride. I was diagnosed as borderline prediabetic and pre-hyertensive, borderline high cholesterol. I was being treated for GERD and daily migraines. Fast forward, I started the program at 157 lbs. I lost 37 lbs in 3.5 months and have kept the weight off since (since 2017). I'm off all meds and no longer suffer from any of the health issues I'd mentioned."
-100 Lbs!

Bethany ~ "Never regret a day in your life! Good days give happiness and smiles. Bad days give experience and motivation. Worst days give lessons and growth. Best days give memories and strength. Every day, no matter what, brings you closer to your dreams and goals. 15 months in and 138 pounds down. Every Single DayCounts!!
-40 Lbs!

Rosie ~ "My journey to health began in 2010 where I was at my heaviest at 250 pounds. I was on a mission to beat depression after the traumatic loss of our oldest daughter who was two weeks shy of turning 8. I knew my faith and family would get me through but I needed one more thing. After finding fitness and a personal trainer, I lost OVER 100 pounds and kept it off. Program found me in the Summer of 2017, where I additionally lost 12 pounds and has truly kept me in structure with my on the go lifestyle. I gained more than I asked for! I gained a health coach, a community, an education component learning habits of health, and a phenomenal science based fueling program!!! I’ve also been able to pay this gift we have forward to others because I know what it feels like to be stuck, depressed, and feeling hopeless. I am a work in progress. Here’s my Before and During as my journey continues! Beyond grateful for the transformation happening inside of me."

Kristi ~ "I’ve been struggling with weight for most of my life. BUT through this transformation, not only have I found a healthier me, but positive attitude and mindset. My life is far from perfect but I am grateful, thankful, blessed and truly happy. I hope you too can find your true happiness."

Mickey ~ "You often hear 40s is the new 30s. People say it to say it and I’m actually living it! I am a father of 3 and a husband of 1J…Life as u can imagine is only exciting. My weight and BMI have always been high since I loved to eat junk yet participated in high intensity activity. I just couldn’t lose the weight because of bad eating habits experiencing knee pains. At this point in time I wanted to learn nutrition because constant reminder from my physical trainer; yet, needed a health coach to help jump start and guide me in the right direction. I am so fortunate I found THIS PROGRAM, tried it and best decision made ever. What happened since January 1, 2020? • Lost 34 lbs in 6 weeks • Improved performance in sports and workouts • Super-active throughout the day (no more power-naps) • Ability to focus and think better"

Clairemarie ~ "I have been on my journey for 18 months. In that’s time I’ve lost almost 240 pounds. But what I’ve gained is so much more impactful to who I am and who I am becoming! The interesting thing is that I can’t find a picture of me at my highest weight. This “before” picture is at least 40 pounds less than my high point, which was truly a low point. I post these side by side pictures for my accountability, so I can see how far I’ve come. I’m blessed to have found this program. It has given me a purpose, given me back my life, my freedom, my energy, my mental clarity and newfound confidence!"

Jake ~ Imagine the difference Jake’s transformation to better health will make on his son. I love the ripple effect of this amazing program...changing lives “one healthy habit at a time!” Awesome!!
Average weight loss on the Optimal Weight 5 & 1 Plan® is 12 pounds. Clients are in weight loss, on average, for 12 weeks.
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