Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI)
Something for everyone!
Something for YOU!
I take a holistic approach to helping you reach your health and wellness goals. With my extensive knowledge and experience, I provide caring and compassionate assistance to every client, couple, or family, no matter their age, race, or health condition--including those dealing with thyroid or autoimmune issues. Let me be your guide and coach on the path to lifelong health transformation. Click on the Buttons below to see some client transformations!
Average weight loss on the Optimal Weight 5 & 1 Plan® is 12 pounds. Clients are in weight loss, on average, for 12 weeks.

Adrienne ~ "A year ago, I found myself at my heaviest weight, pregnancy included. As a mom of 3 kids under age 5, I was overstressed at home and work. Exhausted and just a miserable wreck. For my birthday last year, I decided I would give myself the gift of health. I invested in a wellness program that enabled me to lose 5.4 lbs in the 1st week, 16.4 lbs in the 1st month, and 54.8 lbs in 4 months without working out! Shedding the weight was easier than I ever could’ve imagined, but I also gained more energy and confidence! My only regret was not starting sooner!"

Jayne ~ "No more hiding behind my husband, the grandkids, or the Christmas tree when the cameras come out! Losing 83 lbs now has me genuinely smiling for our family holiday photos!

Paul ~ "What started as a weight loss program (41 lbs) has now become an AWAKENING to everything that was missing in my life! So grateful for our Community & Support Team, but most of all so thankful for Dr. A’s vision & tools he provides us, helping the world get healthy one habit at a time!"
-100 Lbs!

Darnell ~ "I didn’t want to do it. Eating and drinking was more important to me until LIFE told me otherwise. I knew I needed help. I lost 29 lbs in 2 months. I felt amazing, sleep was great, so much energy & clarity. I was happier, the severe back pain I lived with for over 20 years subsided, and the list goes on and on! I lost the weight, the attitude, and gained a entirely new life!"
-40 Lbs!

Gina ~ "I am so grateful for our amazing program and the HOPE it offers. The picture on the left was on my 50th birthday. I was smiling on the outside but so disappointed, discouraged, and depressed on the inside. The picture on the right is me at 52, living my best life, a work in progress, far from perfect but full of Hope, Energy and Excitement about what's to come!"

Deanna ~ "Look back at where you came from and let yourself feel proud about your progress. You Are Killing It! I never thought that this would be possible. I started feeling bloated and always uncomfortable with myself. I was always looking for ways to get motivated to eat better and start exercising. There was no progress of course. Now down 20 lbs and have seen the advantages of being all around healthy. I am just lovin' it! If it wasn't for my Health Coach, I would have still been living in the yesterday. Thank you. I am ever so grateful."

Jessica ~ "I lost 28 lbs on program… beyond my wildest imagination! As a homeschooler teaching 4 kids from high school to preschool, those daily 1-2 hour naps, comfort eating, emotional rollercoasters, and just life as a mom-teacher was not cutting it! No matter how much “discipline” or calorie counting I did, the lbs never came off… they very often just kept creeping in. Then a friend started coaching, and I wanted to be her first client. Within days the naps were gone. Very shortly afterwards, the comfort eating, emotional rollercoasters, and not being able to handle “life” transformed into eating with a purpose, stability of mind and heart, and an ability to stop and consider what was happening at that moment. All because of the health transformation system, my supportive coach, and the healthful Fuelings! It was unprecedented. I found myself again. My kids discovered they had a present mom. My husband regained a partner in life."

If YOU are not happy with your weight and/or your weight is affecting your health, reach out to me today to find our how my programs can work for you. As your personal health coach, I'd love to help you create your best life too!

If YOU are not happy with your weight and/or your weight is affecting your health, reach out to me today to find our how my programs can work for you. As your personal health coach, I'd love to help you create your best life too!
Average weight loss on the Optimal Weight 5 & 1 Plan® is 12 pounds. Clients are in weight loss, on average, for 12 weeks.
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Are you ready to create your best life?