Loss of 100-300+ Lbs
Something for everyone!
Something for YOU!
I take a holistic approach to helping you reach your health and wellness goals. With my extensive knowledge and experience, I provide caring and compassionate assistance to every client, couple, or family, no matter their age, race, or health condition--including those dealing with thyroid or autoimmune issues. Let me be your guide and coach on the path to lifelong health transformation. Click on the Buttons below to see some client transformations!
Average weight loss on the Optimal Weight 5 & 1 Plan® is 12 pounds. Clients are in weight loss, on average, for 12 weeks.

Linda ~ "“Forget about the weight. It's easy to focus on the weight I've lost... -280 POUNDS down from my heaviest - but this quest to get healthy has changed me in so many more ways: it’s renewed my energy, restored my range of mobility, recharged my sense of adventure and given me my confidence back! Losing weight is great, and it was necessary, but learning new habits and strategies to equip me to keep it off is even better. Transformation is part of creation and a part of life. You just need to allow it to happen, in my case, one healthy habit at a time.”

Brian ~ "How can one yes change the rest of your life? Let me explain!!! I've done the diets, counted the calories, taken the pills, and tried just about every fad out there. But this time was different. Because now I know it has far less to do with eating the food and far more to do with WHY I'm eating the food. This time I had health coaches. People who believed in me when I didn't believe in myself. This time I lost 155 pounds in 15 months. I have so much energy. I feel like a completely different, better person. I can lead worship, jumping around on stage, without fear of losing my breath or missing my note. I can actually focus on worshipping and not on me. Everything is different because I said yes one more time."

Dave - "Happy Easter everyone! It’s been 15 months now since I started my journey to improve my health. Two years ago the guy on the left weighed in at 385 lbs. As of this morning, I have lost -206 lbs (I am now weighing in at 179 lbs!) and have truly and dramatically improved my weight and my overall health! I have gone from struggling to walk upstairs to go to bed to walking 5-6 miles a day and wondering up and down steep graded hills hunting mushrooms and critters! I can’t find the words to express how good I feel both physically and mentally! Woohoo, I’m eating healthy and feeling great! "
-100 Lbs!

Daniel - "Decided to go on a trip down memory lane and found this juicy ‘before’ picture! I remember this day, we went to Monterey and I needed to sit down on the cliff edge as I was exhausted from just walking around, tired, fed up (literally) and in denial about where I was. I was just coping. Any of you just feel like you’re living to cope with life and just in survival mode? I get you, I understand! Once I was out of survival mode, my eyes were opened to the big picture of my life again. 100 pounds released now! Stay the course!! You too can achieve this!!"
-40 Lbs!

Monica ~ "You can go from loathing photos and never wanting to be seen …. To be featured in PEOPLE magazine!!! If you happened to pick up January’s 2022 PEOPLE magazine “half my size “ edition featured Betty White’s last interview - I am in it !!! She is Americas sweetheart and a legendary icon, but I believe we all are - deep inside! Leaning into the structure of our programs nutrition and diving into the community is what did it for me & it will do it for you too!! I’m down 167 pounds!"

Brittany ~ She has reached her goal... -336 LBS‼️ Beautiful in both photos, but incredibly healthier in the other. WOW!! She can fly in a plane in one seat & with no seatbelt extender!! Talk about completely changing her life in every way possible! Brittany is an AgEd teacher/FFA advisor & her students were her main motivation for her to create long term health. She realized she was their limiting factor & didn’t want to be the one to keep her students from getting the best out of their program. She has surrounded herself with people who support & encourage her as she thrives and offers the same to others. The best gift she could ever give herself!!

Cathy ~ "I don't even know that lady on the left anymore! Down 100 pounds! I am no longer in pain and I have energy to spare! This program has changed my life in so many ways! What are you waiting for?"

Jody ~ "So, 176.5 pounds later, it appears my size 54 pants don't fit anymore. FYI, I now wear size 36 and went from a tight 4XL to L/XL shirts. My weight has gone from 373.7 pounds to 197.2. I feel incredibly healthy, and the best is yet to come!“

Elisabeth ~ "Losing 210 pounds created a total transformation for me. Life is good!"
Average weight loss on the Optimal Weight 5 & 1 Plan® is 12 pounds. Clients are in weight loss, on average, for 12 weeks.
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